fabric gift wrapped gifts

How to Find the Perfect Gift, for Anyone!

Choosing the right gift can be challenging, especially when you want the gift to be meaningful and well-received. Everyone has different tastes and preferences and with so many possibilities, it can be quite the challenge to narrow down and eventually choose the right gift. 

In this blog post, we want to provide you with seven aspects you should consider when choosing the best gift for your loved ones. Taking into account these aspects, finding the perfect gift should be an easy task. And don't worry too much - we know that your loved ones will appreciate any thoughtful gift you give them. 

1. Occasion

Different occasions call for different types of gifts. Are you going to a birthday, wedding, anniversary, graduation, or another special event? Consider what types of gifts could be appropriate for the respective occasion.

2. Recipient

Choosing the perfect gift can be like solving a puzzle. Think about who you're gifting – consider their age, gender preferences, and what makes them uniquely them. Delve into their hobbies; perhaps a book for the avid reader, or cooking gadgets for the culinary enthusiast or a cozy blanket for the perpetual snuggler? Reflect on experiences shared – a reminiscent touch can add an extra sparkle. Remember gifts they've loved—like that hilarious mug or adventurous board game.  It's the thoughtful details that turn a gift into a cherished moment.

3. Budget

Gifts do not have to be expensive! Nowadays, it is easy to find great gifts at all price points. Consider how much you are willing to spend on your gift and remember that you do not need to spend a lot of money to make an impact. Personalised, self-made gifts can be made at a low budget and are usually much more meaningful than any expensive, store-bought gift. 

4. Message

Do you want to convey a certain message to the recipient of your gift? What emotions do you want to evoke with your gift? What do you want to express with your gift? Gifts can be used to express love, gratitude, appreciation, or congratulations, among other things. Knowing what message you would like to convey can be a really helpful step in finding the ideal gift. 

5. Trends

What are current trends? Consider your recipient's interests and do research on what is currently popular or trending. If the recipient is a foodie, for instance, you could gift them a cookbook or the latest kitchen gadget. 

6. Practical or Sentimental 

Consider whether you want your gift to be practical or sentimental. A practical gift can serve the recipient in their daily life or be a useful gadget. A sentimental gift is one of emotional value, for instance, a self-made gift like a photo album with all your best memories. 

7. Gift an Experience

While a tangible gift holds meaning, crafting enduring memories is a timeless treasure. Consider gifting experiences—like a photography class or concert ticket. Not only do they make exceptional presents, but they also weave beautiful memories that linger for years, creating moments to share and cherish.


We hope these tips can be a helpful guide for finding the right gift for any recipient. And when you're really in doubt, there is nothing wrong with asking your loved ones if they have any specific wishes. What are your tips for finding the perfect gift? Leave a comment below!

At FabRap, we're on a mission to make a positive difference, turning ordinary gifts into something extraordinary, and the tiresome act of gift wrapping, into a pleasant experience. Curious to find out more? Take a look at our fabric gift wrapping styles available here. Happy FabRapping!

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