5 Sustainable Creators You Should Be Following

5 Sustainable Creators You Should Be Following

In light of the recent climate catastrophes happening all over the world, it is clearer than ever that the time for change is now. Of course, change doesn’t happen overnight – but we can all take responsibility by trying our best to live in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner. In the words of Anne-Marie Bonneau: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly, we need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine where to start. In today’s blog post, we want to highlight 5 Sustainable Content Creators who use their platforms to share tips and resources to get your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle started!

1. Anne-Marie Bonneau

Instagram: @zerowastechef

Blog: Zero Waste Chef 

When Anne-Marie Bonneau went plastic-free in 2011 and tried transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle, she realised that most of her plastic waste came from the kitchen. By now having succeeded in making her kitchen (almost) waste-free, she shares delicious recipes and tips on how to avoid plastic. While cooking with as little waste as possible can be difficult, it can also inspire and challenge us to find creative solutions to make tasty food that’s also good for the environment.

Check out Anne-Marie Bonneau’s blog and her social media to get started on making your kitchen more sustainable!


2. Isaias Hernandez

Instagram: @queerbrownvegan

Blog: Queer Brown Vegan

Isaias Hernandez is an educator who uses his Environmental Science Degree to make information about environmental issues understandable and accessible for everyone. He is committed to a vegan and zero-waste lifestyle and shares tips on how to make your daily life more sustainable. Additionally, he breaks down difficult eco-terminologies and advocates for a more inclusive and diverse representation within the movement for environmental justice.

You can find Isaias’s resources on his Instagram or his blog!


3. Addie Fisher

Instagram: @oldworldnew

Blog: Old World New

In college, Addie Fisher learned about the principles of sustainability and has been aiming towards a more sustainable lifestyle ever since. She takes her followers along on her eco-friendly journey by posting about sustainable lifestyle and fashion and encouraging everyone to start their own journeys. Addie’s blog covers most areas of daily life and includes helpful tips on how to take small steps towards a lifestyle that will be good for you and the environment.

Join Addie on her eco-friendly journey by visiting her social media or blog!


4. Gaia Rattazzi

Instagram: @ssustainably_

Gaia Rattazzi is a sustainable fashion content creator who shares educational graphics that can help you get informed on sustainability in the fashion industry. She encourages people to make conscious and sustainable choices when it comes to fashion, but also stresses that we need to demand system changes within the fashion industry.

If you want to learn more about sustainable fashion, check out Gaia’s Instagram!


5. Rachel Elms

Instagram: @sustainablysimple

Blog: Sustainably Simple 

When Rachel Elms studied geography at university, she first became interested in sustainability. On social media and her blog, she encourages simple, sustainable changes that can make a great impact. She shares tips on how to be more sustainable regarding lifestyle, food, travel, and style. You might want to check out Rachel’s blog if you are London-based since she gives lots of helpful tips on sustainable living in London by recommending zero-waste stores, ethical boutiques, and sustainable restaurants.

You can find Rachel’s tips on social media and her blog!


It’s so important to see sustainable influencers use their platforms for sharing information and raising awareness for a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Feel free to leave your favourite sustainable creators in the comments!

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